Physical beauty, in a general sense, reflects intelligence. Mental achievements correspond to that of physical achievements in general – the modern ‘myth’ of the dumb blonde not withstanding. The antecedent probability exists that mind and body are associated by heredity; science indicates* as much. This was generally accepted prior to the second war of fratricide.
To the Modern however, this concept of heredity is distasteful precisely because it competes with the egalitarian dogma of environment over that of heredity – hence the assumed ‘equal and fair’ representations of all peoples. While the Law, to some degree, can ‘conceive’ of equal and fair treatment, its force and form is defined by the very genetic inheritance, which has formed its very foundation (e.g. Anglo-Saxon common law, and Dane Law, not to mention our usage of Greek and Romanic Law, which is the basis for all Western law, comes to mind. FLS). Difference does, however, exist amongst the various members (i.e. governments) of the West, not to mention those not of western stock. These differences exist despite the numerous attempts, sincere though they may be, of various individuals, governments, or groups, which would make it so. The tremendous mosaic of the earth and her peoples fly in the face of the Modern, despite the foreign attempts of ‘patchwork’ designs created by minds that are far removed from waking reality. The betrayal by the governments of the West in Bosnia-Herzegovina – at best a temporary reprieve – at worst, a trend which will overthrow the West as we know it. is the storm which has appeared upon the horizon of our shores, is in direct response to the Modern’s injection of ‘compromise’, misplacing the historical epochs of our tradition, and filing them with the other antiquated forms of traditional knowledge, is a good case in point.
In due course, genius is also a product of heredity.
The Family, as ‘unit’, being a prerequisite to a sound environment, and strong constitution, is attached with still more importance in this context. A sound family unit will, in accordance with the laws of heredity, be well suited in type and disposition, if they are to produce a more well-proportioned and higher individual who is physically and mentally superior to both their parents. In the country of the origin of this work, America, we have seen a steady and ineluctable decline in those intelligent and well proportioned matings (i.e. conformation, height, weight, hair and eye colour) which will assure a more vital and vigorous people, of higher intellectual capacities, and nobility of ‘spirit’. Their inevitable progeny, likewise, have suffered. Since the ‘sixties, this deceleration of intellectual momentum, as a trend, has manifested itself in almost every stratum of American Education and I.Q. levels:
“When people die, they are not replaced one for one by babies who will develop identical IQ’s. If the new babies grow up to have systematically higher or lower IQ than the people who die, the national distribution of intelligence changes. Mounting evidence indicates that demographic trends are exerting downward pressure on the distribution of cognitive ability in the United States and that the pressures are strong enough to have social consequences.
Throughout the West, modernization has brought falling birth rates. The rates fall faster for educated women than the uneducated. Because education is so closely linked with cognitive ability, this tends to produce a dysgenic effect, or a downward shift in the ability distribution. Further more, education leads women to have their babies later – which alone also produces additional dysgenic pressures.”1
Professor Dublin, writing long before the above-mentioned authors, stated clearly that this ‘stock’ as a trend was marching downward, because of a lack of fecundity. For the moment, let us add:
“There is only one conclusion to be drawn: these groups are not reproducing themselves. These people and their stocks are quickly dying out and their place is being taken by a new generation who are the offspring of our fertile immigrants… We are now making the stock out of which the new America will arise… Whether we like it or not, the people of America will look different, act differently, and be different from those who made our country great. And all this because of the facts of reproduction and heredity.”2
Let the reader make up his or her mind on the above-mentioned statements. Look around; see with your own eyes what is true and what is not.
1. R.J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray – The Bell Curve, Free Press [Simon & Schuster] 1996, pg.341.
2. Dublin, Luis I. – Birth Control – reprinted in Social Hygiene, 1920, cf., pg. 8.
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The Laws of Nature
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Physical beauty, in a general sense, reflects intelligence. Mental achievements correspond to that of physical achievements in general – the modern ‘myth’ of the dumb blonde not withstanding. The antecedent probability exists that mind and body are associated by heredity; science indicates* as much. This was generally accepted prior to the second war of fratricide.
To the Modern however, this concept of heredity is distasteful precisely because it competes with the egalitarian dogma of environment over that of heredity – hence the assumed ‘equal and fair’ representations of all peoples. While the Law, to some degree, can ‘conceive’ of equal and fair treatment, its force and form is defined by the very genetic inheritance, which has formed its very foundation (e.g. Anglo-Saxon common law, and Dane Law, not to mention our usage of Greek and Romanic Law, which is the basis for all Western law, comes to mind. FLS). Difference does, however, exist amongst the various members (i.e. governments) of the West, not to mention those not of western stock. These differences exist despite the numerous attempts, sincere though they may be, of various individuals, governments, or groups, which would make it so. The tremendous mosaic of the earth and her peoples fly in the face of the Modern, despite the foreign attempts of ‘patchwork’ designs created by minds that are far removed from waking reality. The betrayal by the governments of the West in Bosnia-Herzegovina – at best a temporary reprieve – at worst, a trend which will overthrow the West as we know it. is the storm which has appeared upon the horizon of our shores, is in direct response to the Modern’s injection of ‘compromise’, misplacing the historical epochs of our tradition, and filing them with the other antiquated forms of traditional knowledge, is a good case in point.
In due course, genius is also a product of heredity.
The Family, as ‘unit’, being a prerequisite to a sound environment, and strong constitution, is attached with still more importance in this context. A sound family unit will, in accordance with the laws of heredity, be well suited in type and disposition, if they are to produce a more well-proportioned and higher individual who is physically and mentally superior to both their parents. In the country of the origin of this work, America, we have seen a steady and ineluctable decline in those intelligent and well proportioned matings (i.e. conformation, height, weight, hair and eye colour) which will assure a more vital and vigorous people, of higher intellectual capacities, and nobility of ‘spirit’. Their inevitable progeny, likewise, have suffered. Since the ‘sixties, this deceleration of intellectual momentum, as a trend, has manifested itself in almost every stratum of American Education and I.Q. levels:
Professor Dublin, writing long before the above-mentioned authors, stated clearly that this ‘stock’ as a trend was marching downward, because of a lack of fecundity. For the moment, let us add:
Let the reader make up his or her mind on the above-mentioned statements. Look around; see with your own eyes what is true and what is not.
1. R.J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray – The Bell Curve, Free Press [Simon & Schuster] 1996, pg.341.
2. Dublin, Luis I. – Birth Control – reprinted in Social Hygiene, 1920, cf., pg. 8.
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