The goddess Roma spurs on Horatius
Painting by Charles Le Brun
In every Age, there are events, driven by men of courage, fearless and Brave.
Why do men choose to face impossible odds, facing certain Death?
Storytelling is essential for the Spirit to survive the slings and arrows of fate, and the purpose of storytelling is to extend that spirit to those who come after.
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Horatius At The Bridge: A Story of Valor
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The goddess Roma spurs on Horatius Painting by Charles Le Brun
In every Age, there are events, driven by men of courage, fearless and Brave.
Why do men choose to face impossible odds, facing certain Death?
Storytelling is essential for the Spirit to survive the slings and arrows of fate, and the purpose of storytelling is to extend that spirit to those who come after.
This is Legacy.
A nice Presentation: Hortatius
Horatius at the Bridge:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods.1
~ Horatius
Emph. Mine