You Will Not Replace Us
That was the chant, late in the evening of August 11, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, in response to the deracinated civil government, a representative government, so-called. Represented, were a half-dozen ‘organizations’, in reality, simply loosely confederated ideological and, as they saw themselves, Patriotic groups, who were committing themselves to the sole purpose, of maintaining the historic presence of a national, as well as regional memory, introduced by way of a monument to a historical figure: Robert E. Lee.
This rally occurred amid the controversy generated by the removal of several Confederate monuments by local governments following the Charleston church shooting in 2015, where a young white male shot and killed nine black members, including the minister who, as it happens, was a state senator, which would explain the civic response, from the Charleston government, and wounded several others. This, in the township, that saw some of the highest black on white crime, in the region.
Now, the center-piece of anti-American, anti-Western opprobrium. was the majestic visual of Robert E. Lee, and his famous companion Traveler, his equine comrade of many years, and Battles. The brush, used assiduously by the anti-white Left, used to paint an entire class of persons, for the crimes of a few, or of the one, seems to have passed the legal, and moral imperatives, of judging individuals, on their merits only.
The congregants of this torch-lit evening, marching down the causeway, to the ever-present Lee, was also the occasion to present to the world, that American jewry, so prevalent in the markers of the ‘civil rights’ movements of the previous generation, placing the onus of the ever-present restriction of public policy on White, euro-Americans, as a pulsating chant, reverberating off the buildings and park, as well as the national spirit, simply pointing their fingers at a once small wound, now open and festering wound, exclaimed that White Americans, were done with being replaced.
Much has happened since that evening in Virginia.
Another Israeli war against their historic enemies, wars in Europe, where the governments are highly represented by individuals of Israeli/Jewish ethnicities; add to this, the over representations of Jewish political hacks, numbering many cabinet positions here, in the United States – a nation founded by Europeans, and non-Jewish partisans.
Since this August night, as many of us know, the monument to Robert E. Lee has been torn down, and the effigy of Lee and, we must assume, Traveler, have been destroyed, melted in a molten mass of metal, destroyed by heat and fire.
Lee has been replaced.
One wonders, then, if the deep-voiced chant of “You will not Replace us” has, also, a certain prescient sensibility? The attacks of the modern ‘left’, along with the various and sundry social activists, upon the history and existence of Western civilization, which means, of course, attacks on the People of the West – yes, this means the racial realities of just who, a Western people actually is, and what their experiment actually represents, today. This is the reality of today.
Do these non-white, as well as a majority of liberal ‘whites’, really want to replace the genetic imperatives, history, and predilections, of what is left of dominant euro-American culture? In a word, Yes.
Some ask: Is this a bad thing?
Well, it may be simply a matter of perception.
As we look around us, it is obvious that the assault on our institutions, our cultural imperatives, our very blood is, in fact, a real, and existential threat. But is this something we can work with? Many believe we can.
The acceptance of a terminal disease, does allow the patient a moment of respite, accepting the inevitable, and frees the mind for other areas of importance, such as family, friends, and the passing of their essence to those which will inhabit the world, after them. In fact, being free of constraints, the individual can, at last, be honest about how they have lived, and what they would have done different, to make his world a better place. We find ourselves in the same situation.
In those areas of life, that is, Civil life we, those of the West, have been replaced. With this realization, it becomes obvious that a certain historical life has, indeed, past from us. Let us accept the truth of the matter. In so doing, it might be that our vision of who, and what we are, may be looked at in a definitive way and, at the same time, be honest, in how, going forward, we might salvage, and recreate an even better world, for our children.
The burning desire for euro-Americans to maintain their way of life, is at odds with the inundation of foreign elements into our body politic, while at the same time, the federal and state governments, seem bound and determined to create a multi-cult environment, where we, Legacy Americans, are brought low, equalized with the flotsam of sub-Saharan Africa, the middle east, and Asia Minor. If, like the terminal patient, we accept the attack on our spiritual and physical bodies, perhaps, there is a way forward, to conceive, and work, towards a new idea of Nation.
Working harder may not be the answer. Working smarter is, on the other hand, a necessity.
The voices on that night in Virginia were, in many minds, correct. The conservative elements of the country stood aside, and allowed these young people, never really having any experience in the matters of protest, or national self-defense, to stand alone, yet did the best they could under the circumstances; yet there was no follow-up, no monies added to national coffers, that would have defended not only the participants unfortunate enough to be arrested, and held in jail. They were left to twist with the cord of fate, with nary a kind word from their fellows. It did, however, teach a core element, on just how the game is played, and they are more worldly, and intelligent, for it. There will, of course, be many more next times.
We have many miles before we sleep.
Understand that events of today, are simply precursors, for bigger and greater things. Being replaced, does not have to mean...Forever.