To some, the future ‘ethnic/political’ relations are horrifying, to those in the West. To others, it is welcomed as natural, inevitable, and sound practical race-culture politics.
To those moderns, which are fearful of this trend, they mask themselves with self-righteous condemnation of all those who seek a different path. They point to the ‘democratization’ of Eastern Europe. But that should not deter us long, if at all, since it is precisely because eastern Europe was breaking apart along racial lines that any change in the political environment was necessitated. The role of money was secondary. Race was primary. The once great Soviet Empire, like her mirrored sister, America, has finally realized that ethnic ‘groups’ (i.e. Biological nations) must determine their own future and political realizations – based on their organic needs and will-to-express.
The Modern knew this, does know this, and is precisely why he has kept the West confused, continually fighting himself over who is going to be the greatest democracy; who is going to bend over backwards in helping all others but that of his own kind. To those in America, the Modern would have us believe that Europe will be weakened by the apparent separation of its individual collective states – nothing could be further from the truth! In reality, the Western race-culture of ‘old’ Europe will become stronger than it has ever been. The casting aside of years of forced assimilation has, or will produce, a nation of truly epic proportions.
The Modern shudders at the thought.
Isolation tends to mark the race-culture with will, strength, and a will-to-power that will, with time, create a positive destiny. In this light, must America, also, decide its own destiny. But only if America, truly, remains a higher-culture. If she is not, then the coming isolation from her sister, Europe, will dim her epoch making flame to that of a dead ember.
The Balkanization of the contiguous ‘states’ within the boundaries of these United States is unacceptable to most, if not all those that carry the flame of the Modern. To all and sundry, the cry is heard: ‘to all one god’, ‘to all one people’, ‘to all one government’. This is, and has become, the rallying wail of the Modern; this is their imperative. They must, their power depends upon it. Yet, the ancient drive to realize, to actualize a particular race-culture with the necessary developments required to succeed in a vast world of competition is the kind of struggle the Modern will, at any cost, keep Western man from attaining. The Modern, however, is wearing thin; he fears the technics of organism. The Cosmopolis, that crowning achievement of the Modern, has been split between the visible lines of racial demarcation from their very inception, and the visible realities of equality and diversity in the coming Babel of the 21st Century.
In the past, this presented little problem – he [the Modern] controlled his environment – now, however, it is controlled by those ‘individual’ racial units who, with political power have, ipso facto, created a balkanization effect with no thought whatsoever of their future excepting the single imperative of breaking up the political state of the Western.
The Modern, of course, supports and aids in its implementation.
In the ‘cities’, they already have control. Their very numbers demand this control – the mob now in control. Democracy, once again, serves the Modern, yes, and even the Western who created it, and allows his technics to pass from him to the mob of the Modern. The Western [man] cannot complain. Nay! He must welcome this passing – it is, after all, the ‘people’s choice’! Freedom of choice, however, cuts both ways, but not always in those ways predicted. The Nationalist as well, has made his choice.
It is now true, unlike any time in our history, that large segments of the Western race-culture of America has realized the loss of political power as a ‘race-cultural unit’. Let us be more specific: members of white European stock have not only decreased numerically through abortion, self-denial, and intellectual decisions to ‘decrease’ family size, and fundamental encouragement of non-European immigration over that of European immigration has, most assuredly, put the ‘white race’ at an untenable crossroad: his extinction as a ‘voting majority’ is already here; and extinction of his racial sovereignty follows close behind.
Let the Modern say what he will; let him denounce this position until he is blue in the face; the fact remains, that Western man has neither the power to change a thing on the National level, nor the power to claim any sovereignty other than what his ‘status’ as a de facto citizen of the republic – with rights and privileges granted by those who hold power over him – even by those who neither know his past nor have any inclination or knowledge of how his future must be formed and shaped to guarantee his future. Western man, those white Europeans of America, are facing a future directed by others.
The Western fecund rate, the ability to create and raise children, is ever decreasing, and now forces one to contemplate the reality of a non-western increase in real numbers, which equate into a real increase of voting power – this simply is the way of nature. The collective ‘units’ of the various diverse race-cultures feel the present presence of their own power; the resultant spin-off leads, of necessity, towards separation. So, also the Western.
Where will this trend lead us?
It is the question of a new century; of a new future – Destiny awaits in vitro.