Eugenics is the science of Heredity.
This science, in conjunction with the various other specialties (which should be considered part of ‘general’ health) such as psychology, physiology, obstetrics, gynecology, immunobiology, etc., is the first foundations of the higher and nobler man. Eugenics, either in its passive or active sense, has been the form in which healthy children have passed into the actual world of their parents – holding both the good and not so good of their parents – synthesized in their own make-up, hopefully fuller and better human beings than their parents were; all parents should hope for, and strive for this. The failure to breed [ultimately, as said before, marriage is our breeding institution] healthy children, was the death of a People; even the so-called primitive knew, instinctually, that a healthy people, and the healthy introduction of future life, was the secret to extension and strength. This assured that a people, any people, would not perish from the earth.
There was no good or evil here; there was only survival.
Today, however, we are modern. We are now civilized.
It is held that primitive man was brutish, coarse, and lacked that emotional ‘civility’, which we possess today. But what of it? Could we not, even today, say the same for many parts of the earth, even our own common territory? It was the primitive man, in a healthy state of nature, who allowed those feeble-minded and sickly children to be taken by the natural elements – they were allowed to die – just as nature had dictated.
The Modern, replete with his textbooks on science [and ethics too!], history, and theology, has relegated a part, a part with which the Modern cannot deny or control, of those textbooks obsolete, and so the wisdom accompanying it. The eugenicist has fallen into disrepute. To those who shout this science down, a caveat: Knowledge, once gained, can never be fully eradicated.
It was after the Second World War, that second war of fratricide between those of Western stock, after that Faustian embryo was smashed (but not destroyed), that the study and observation of eugenics was stilled - at least publicly – and openly led to the Modern’s version of race and race-culture in his tattered and coloured patchwork of ‘environment’ over that of ‘genetics’. Those written testaments of Socrates, Plato, Appolodorus, Herodotus, Pliny, Strabo, Virgil, Apollonius, Shakespeare, even of Caesar, or Alexander for the sheer power of their keen eyes, even these were of no vital import to the Modern on this subject.
The Modern need not worry about the ‘facts’ of history, he would simply say the words, whatever they might be, which he, himself believed, and presto!, it would be so. This is what he has done with the words ‘environment’ and ‘genetics’. Savonarola would have been proud! Yet the modern does not, will not, discount completely the knowledge of his fathers, for without it, he would be lost in the maze he has created. He has, nevertheless, allowed eugenics to pass into the void of ‘antiquated’ Science, something to be denied one person, but utilized in his defense if needed. This, of course, created a vacuum in the analytical study of the origin and, therefore, the continuation of man. This lack of vision has been at the crux of Western man’s apathy and dismal present day performance. He does not know who he is, where he comes from, or how he may become better.
The second war of fratricide brought many changes to the people of the West. Before this time, none of the ‘community’ of geneticists opposed the ‘science of heredity’ in toto; in fact, the spirit of Western man was being lifted by Science, instead of being left in the dark by it.
On the one side you had supporters, on the other you had those who were limited by their lack of vision in the face of a seemingly dark and unknown area in which only the pioneers were the ones to blaze the trails and mark the hazardous areas. Some were skeptical in varying degrees, but no one condemned eugenics completely. Those that disagreed, often as not, disagreed in those areas that one might find anywhere if any modicum of human nature is present, not to mention the various levels of ‘opinion’, ‘perspective’, and ‘personal attachment’ would naturally allow. S.J. Holmes, one of the few truly visionary geneticists and scholars had this to say during these times of heated debate and ‘Sherlock-type’ investigations into the matter:
“People differ over eugenics because they differ over such subjects as the validity of mental tests, the degree to which environment is responsible for the development of this or that character, the extent to which children tend to be like their parents in mental traits, and question how far social and economic status is correlated with level of intelligence.”1
In the final analysis, this discussion is absolutely imperative to the Rise of the West. It must be in line with that future which will mark the higher man.
In extent, which is unparalleled in any other specie on earth, man creates his own environment. He is subjected to many influences exerted by his fellow beings, as well as the concerted efforts of his social standing. These social mores he finds on a daily basis, and will change from place to place, and from time period to time period. The resulting change manifested in the cosmopolis of the modern in no way confirms that any ‘merging’ of the cultural imperative, or ‘genetic/environment’ argument, is any closer to a responsible conclusion by academics, philosophers, or laymen alike. But we must, those men and women of the West, come to a conclusion, if we are to answer those issues which will, most certainly destroy us if we do not. Eugenics, as a qualified Science, must have a clearly defined distinction within our ‘perception’ of science, if the solution is to be crafted that will aid in a rising West.
The Modern claims that simply because our environment has produced gigantic buildings, massive roadways, and interstellar communications, that this also, of necessity, means that we have advanced biologically. In fact, the contrary is true. We see a decline in human health across the board. In every sphere of Western culture we are bombarded with new viruses, bacterial strains develop via importation of people and foodstuffs; hereditary disease increases with every generations. That our Medical institutions of the West attempt to keep pace with these developments, belies the fact that it is not our medicine, in the final analysis, which secures our place in the dynamics of evolution and its cycles, but how well we adapt to our surroundings as a specie. This means, precisely, by and through our genes – what our parents were, and what we are. Without the proper foundation, that which is built of granite, not sand, we will cease to be a viable, young, and energetic race-culture – the death knell of all organic cycles. This can only be seen as biological decadence; and as the body goes so, also, the spirit. If it is any consolation to the reader, let it be said that every major civilization has gone through this cycle – and perhaps this cycle is a permanent fixture of our historical, and future landscape, but it must be challenged in every age and epoch. Vigilance is ever Eternal.
War, plagues, and personal inclination [instinct] have fostered primitive forms of eugenics for centuries. It has been remarked that the Black Plague in Europe’s dark and dismal bout with pestilence, made the populace in Southern Europe more resilient to such disease, however much it may have dissipated through careless breeding since then. To the survivors, for that is the ‘legacy’ of today’s Europeans, their ancestors having survived such a catastrophe hence, the stronger to ‘ward off’ disease. A legacy worth guarding. But nature should not be left entirely on her own to makes the decisions as to who will live and who will die. We, as a people, have the ability to intercede in our own behalf, our own future.
We should cherish no illusions regarding ‘mother nature’, nor theologians who seek to define that process, which man requires to survive on a daily or lifetime basis. Nature, on the one hand, cares little if the evolutionary process of man carries itself upward, downward, or sideways; if it carries on at all is of no consequence, as long as Nature herself, continues.
1 Holmes, S.J. – The Eugenic Predicament – Harcourt, Brace&Co., 1928, pg.ix, Preface.