What is the Ethic Nationalist Position On Law Enforcement and Police Activity?
Criminal Justice: Part III
Word Count 3,962
What is the Ethic Nationalist Position on
Law Enforcement and Police Activity?
This is another question and answer period which would best be left for another, more detailed and comprehensive study. I have seen various statistics and studies over the past several decades, and there truly is a substantial amount of information from all ethno-nationalist sides: Black, Brown, Asian, Arabic. In short, the view and understanding of how law-enforcement and police activity are received and understood is, without a doubt, a racial understanding.
Paul L. Verna, a slain white-ethnic motorcycle patrolman in Lake View Terrace, Ca., was quoted in the local paper as being reticent, and uncomfortable about patrolling the African ethno-community as a lone ‘white’ officer, instead of allowing ‘black officers’ to patrol this community as they would ‘understand’ the community better, and offset the racial stereotypes of ‘the man’ being the sole representative of ‘law enforcement’ in that area.
In the above note, the organization reporting on the substance of Mr. Verna’s death, as is the usual fare, omits several important parts, which would then make some sense as to the senseless loss of the Life of this officer. One, is the fact that while there were two ‘robbery suspects’ in the care, the back-story is also that there were two ‘white’ females in the car, (their ‘wives’), and that after the initial stop, Officer Verna was going to let the traffic violation pass, was then shot from the inside of the car, and then was relieved of his service revolver, and finished off with his own weapon; this all occurred with over two-dozen residents watching, as the officer laid dying. All the residents of this Pacoima, Ca. neighborhood, were African-ethnics, very recent residents, coming from the central Los Angeles area over the years, bringing with them the changing dynamics of race.
There is much more to be said on this subject, but will defer to another time.
So, by way of analogy, the above reference puts into perspective, the conflicting realizations of ‘law enforcement’ and its racial dynamics, as each ethnic-state has its own ideas of law and justice. The Law Enforcement ‘establishment’, in the above case, was split on the actions of their fellow citizens and neighbors and were, in the main, very suspect of the communities ‘reactions’ after the murder of one of their own – this has been one of the greatest obstacles amongst white-ethnics, and especially white nationalists, inasmuch as there is a disconnect between the institution of law enforcement, and that of justice as seen by the common man and woman. Moreover, then as now, unlike the non-white ethno-states, there seems to be a greater hostility between ‘professionals’ and ‘non-professionals’ as to how, or to what extent, the community has a right to its own disposition, or community standards, and who should take the initiative when there is a crime taking place, or after the arrest of the perpetrator.
In short, the Ethnic Nationalist perspective, a view shared by the majority of white-ethnics, is that ‘law-breaking’ shares a natural response by the folk-community, as they are made up of men and women, fathers and mothers, who share in the responsibility of maintaining the ‘peace’ – and this means, as well, the use of lethal force if necessary – in protecting one’s children, property, or way of life. Period.
Institutions, on the other hand, have taken a natural propensity of certain characteristics, such as courage, protector, compassion, sympathy, and normal human nature, and have codified it, and thereby encourages not the community ‘support’ mechanism, but supports the institutional mechanism of a ‘brotherhood’, a tightly knit group of individuals who, whether they admit it or no, depend upon a ‘political’ machine, of ambitious men and women who, in the main, perceive the bottom line to be at the end of the day, how their constituents (on a very large scale) see them, and not on the local or human complications of the matter, not on the realistic and obvious racial dynamics of multi-ethnic conflicts, cultural differences and racial predispositions.
Police Officers, being the lowest level of institutional community protection are, in the first analysis, an adjunct to the community members at large, contravening the present-day para-military instinct of ‘pro-active’ police control, something that has been coming for some generations now, and brought to a higher state by the professional training of Iraq and the middle-east conflicts in general. Ethnic Nationalists do not have a problem with ‘professionals’, but do have a problem with professionals who fight for the interests of every other person or race, but their own.
The lesson, if there is a clear lesson here, is that the de facto ethnic-states must be policed by men and women of their own particular and unique stock, specifically, which helps in maintaining the traditional concepts of that people – if this appears to break up, or balkanize the existing cultures then, welcome to the 21st Century, as the foundations of the future are the mortar and bricks of the past, and are coming back with a passion; they are coming back to stay.
The Criminal Justice System:
Conviction and Incarceration
The American criminal justice system is a large, unwieldy, and very expensive undertaking on behalf of the people of America. However, this has become an even greater canard, when discussing the need and long-term intentions of ‘keeping the streets safe’ from violence and rampant criminality (this is mostly intimated within the confines of our major cities).
The Ethnic Nationalist, like millions of other individuals, have their own view on (a) what the causes of crime might be, (b) how to adjudicate (i.e. what system) law breakers, (c) how long, or of what duration, is required to ascertain that the ‘danger to society’ has been mitigated or eliminated, (d) how, and under what conditions, are law-breakers to be housed, (e) and finally, after sentence has been served, to what extent is that person to be fully integrated into back into the folk-community?
i. (a)
The broad spectrum of Ethnic Nationalism embraces a fairly conservative, religious, and authoritarian principle of individual sovereignty, personal responsibility, and a generous ‘eye-for-an-eye’ world-view; in toto, the white nationalist is generally a disciplinarian, modified with a social responsibility to his ethno-state, making him ‘liberal’ when it comes to social interactions with his fellows and his elderly. This includes, but is not limited too, the understanding that, if individuals are loyal to their fellow ethnics, that what goes on between the lines of birth and death, is life, and in that life, people are as varied and disparate in circumstance, ability, and opportunity as are any other peoples. Hence, traditionally, what becomes ‘law’ has been a series of precedents, of individual actions (good or bad), which then become the basis for acknowledging the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when dealing with persons, and the community-at-large.
It has been said that law, ipso facto, create criminals; and this is certainly the case. Just the mention of ‘prohibition’, ‘gun bans’, the potential ‘criminalization’ of smoking (for health reasons, of course), ‘inter-racial marriage’, ‘robbery’, the list is endless, and creates at once, a perceived value of right or wrong by the general consensus of the community members in which the law, itself, is created. Moreover, mores, like religion, is based on race-cultural imperatives, and not legislation – as a strict rule of social behavior and indoctrination, in other words, how a society ‘sees itself’, is how it extends this belief into the realm of jurisprudence. Where this begins to get sticky, is when a top-heavy government institution begins to ‘displace’ the common good, and regional mechanisms necessary and natural to those who reside in these areas, and who enact, or allow to be enacted laws, which speak on ‘behalf’ of the people. When a federal program of ‘social instruction’ becomes the raison d’être of civil law, it must, of necessity, begin the modest and then precipitous breakdown of social norms, which are regional in nature (as States comprise ‘regional’ similarities, regardless of official state boundaries which, to a greater or lesser degree, help to formulate the world-views of individuals – see ROTW and SOA)
The cause of crime is, of necessity, a fluid one, as criminal behavior is seen differently by different ethno-states, and specific individuals; however, common inference may be accepted in such areas as Murder, or theft; rape, on the other hand, seems to be seen in a much different light when looking at certain African and Pacific rim nations. No effort is to be seen here to, without warrant, besmirch any particular race-culture or ethno-state, but as I am a man of Western stock, my world-view, and that of my fellow white nationalists, will differ greatly on some of these points of interest. This is why, as in the analogy of the racially diverse community in which Officer Verna was murdered, even after his world-view, and the cautionary tale of maintaining ‘black/latino’ officers in these racially diverse neighborhoods, rather than have a white-ethnic seen as the sole arbiter of the law, making his public profile that much more untenable when dealing with, in this case, a majority black community.
Once the folk-community has established its priorities, all legal interpretations as to the cause, become secondary to the actual effects, in this case, of crime. What happens in the courtroom, is yet another matter, as ‘rules of procedure’ are maintained by the ‘judge’, circumventing in most cases, the common-sense of jurors; causes can run the gamut of personal privation, economic status, upbringing and life experiences, personal or sexual abuse when young, and many other ‘human’ considerations when dealing with guilt or innocence. Moreover, to get to this determination, the jury itself must, absolutely, be members of one’s peers – of one’s racial folk-community.
i. (b)
The traditional ‘legal system’ of the white american ethno-state, comes from a long and arduous struggle in the search for justice, first from those powers who, in dictatorial fashion, had denied certain natural rights, not the least of which would be liberty, but which also controlled many elements of survival, food, for instance, or shelter, depending upon the ‘loyalty oath’ or ‘tenants obligation’ which guaranteed the survival of those subservient classes; for the right to stand before one’s accusers, or the absolute right to have proof of a murder (corpus delicti) – circumstantial evidence, which becomes more and more the mandatory and expedient method of courts to prove this type of crime is rampant in our courts today serving, at least muddying the waters, as a wedge favoring the government (the prosecutor) in the minds of modern jurors – all this done with the intent of ‘protecting’ the accused.
The Ethnic Nationalist sees the need for a complete reassessment of that very system of legal jurisprudence now sanctioned in this country; with this reassessment, the variable constructs of race, as it determines guilt or innocence, must needs be, as well, be restructured to more accurately provide for judicial review and common court proceedings, based on the intrinsic inequities of racial dynamics and the needs of our different folk-communities.
i. (c)
Once the mechanism of crime and punishment is enacted, and a defendant is adjudicated or found guilty, punishment is the necessary reality – what punishment means, however, seems to have become another ‘what side of the road’ one finds himself – and has, in effect, created a whole industry of litigious organizations, special interest groups, and ineffectual judicial system which hurts not only the victims families, by unnecessarily putting them through often long and arduous public displays, but harms, as well, the defendant, by restricting and sometimes eliminating traditional ‘rights’, such as bail – which a defendant is entitled to, whether the charge be murder, rape, or robbery. The fact that we do not have this now, and is generally accepted, is just another proof that the ‘judicial’ system has become yet another version of what we think we know and understand.
Rather than knowing and trusting to community understandings of its individual expectations, America is held accountable for some of the most basest, despicable, and violent crimes – most of which happen in large, multi-ethnic metropolises – and the laws, which are enacted to ‘control and eliminate’ these crimes are, then, passed onto the rest of the nation by way, firstly, through federal laws, and then filter down to the states as precedent; of course the obverse is just as true, as certain states are becoming more and more rife with crime which adds to the colour of crime statistics, making the white-ethnic population held to the same characteristics and criminal inclinations as the darkest part of the largest cities, and when the gavel comes down upon a white-ethnic defendant, regardless of this individuals case by case basis, will be held accountable with the same vengeance as if his social omission was done with the same intent as was the big city defendant.
A level playing field, it seems, is what we should all expect in our legal system. Forget it, it does not work that way – the only leveling is that of the white ethno-state, to that of the law of the jungle – and the audacity of modern legalism, and their proponents, have officially destroyed the concept of ‘anglo-saxon’ legal precedent1, for that, by definition, is based on the construct of Anglo-Saxons, not a multi-cultural milieu. Moreover, since the white race, as both an ethnic entity, and representing unique ethno-states, lays even further claim to folk-community legal constructs, which paved the way, by precedent2 (in a larger organic sense), such as the Twelve Tables (Roman law), for the beginnings of our natural american ethno-state which, with time, has been turned against us, and the entire country.
Penalties for crimes, traditionally, were fulfilled by fines, for the most part; and if the penalty was greater (even in Dane Law, murder was paid in dane geld) than fiscal penalty, then capital punishment became the law of the land.
Today, the modern has added literally ten-fold, the amount of ‘enhancements’, by which a conviction may be determined – this is known in modern nomenclature, as ‘throwing mud against the wall’, as the literal and stupendous volume of ‘charges’ assures, in most cases (as many charges are ‘pled out’, which counts as a conviction) that a determination of ‘guilty’ will be adjudicated or negotiated, hence, a victory for the state, and punishment for the defendant. The average person has a hard time in understanding all this and, like the general population, prays that they are never involved in the ‘system’, which allows yet more power and legal latitude for those professionals who seek ever the womb-like warmth of ‘job security’.
So, in the case of punishment, as with the ‘mud on the wall’ mentality, comes the various and sundry applications of ‘sentencing’, which cover the gamut of the Sentence, as in a definitive time delivered from ‘society’, and the various levels of ‘guidelines’ by which one is held for a shorter or longer period (this is based on such circumstances as violence, drugs and the like, which are all arbitrary allusions to ‘categories’, which are mostly, once again, arbitrary in form, if not in function). In short, the Ethnic Nationalist sees punishment as fitting the crime, and if fines are not to be the fitting punishment, than time away from society is a relative concept, as anyone who has been unfortunate to have spent time in prison knows, anything more than 7-10 years is self-defeating, and any chance that an individual has at turning around his life, or having it rearranged by the environment of ‘ritual and punishment’, will count for naught – and in this respect, will be an adverse creation, paid for by the general populace who, at some point, will have to face this individual again, perhaps, with more than serious complications.
The Ethnic Nationalist is compassionate to his fellows, yet ruthless in his expectation of honour and respect, and this includes social interaction with his folk-community.
i. (d)
The Ethnic Nationalist considers it a personal responsibility to provide adequate and responsible Housing to convicted men and women, as they are part of his extended family and will, with time, be given the chance at reintegration with the larger folk-community – this would be true for every distinct ethno-national folk-community, based on the expectations of each.
The duration of 7-10 years, as the maximum term of punishment, will save the general community millions of dollars, and ensure that the private sector maintains their majority in the private sector jobs production, without the indentured servitude of inmates who, in many cases, will be employed under the present system, for decades, at wages which the private sector cannot – and should not – match.
The Ethnic Nationalist would not deter the folk-community from utilizing the penal system to promote (a) work ethics, (b) learn a career craft or trade, (c) work eight hours a day, at a reasonable stipend, and generally ‘pay for their stay’ by these work programs, but should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, thereby maintaining hope in the future.
i. (e)
The Ethnic Nationalist knows that, just as in life, there is a birth, life and senility in which all organisms must submit. So, also, with crime and punishment: there must be a final and ultimate end.
The Ethnic Nationalist knows that individuals make mistakes, for we all err at some point in our lives; once a person has ‘served his debt to society’ by fulfilling the legal terms of his punishment (i.e. he has served his sentence, as stipulated in a specific time period), he then is accepted back into his folk-community. Now, today, this individual is considered an ‘ex-convict’, with the incumbent discrimination which comes from this designation; but is this what our brothers and sisters should expect from their fellows? The white nationalist believes not.
When a person, man or woman, enters into the world of the american penal system, one is stripped of the ‘rights of citizenship’ and becomes, for all intents and purposes, a ‘non-person’ for the duration of his or her incarceration. This is, perhaps, the ultimate penalty, and is assured for as long as this person remains in custody. But what happens after this forced incarceration?
Ethnic Nationalism, as an all-encompassing political construct, sees the elimination today of the totality of rights of individuals, as being not only an insult to the Constitution of the United States, but even more, as an affront to the natural law of liberty, and of free association, be that personal or supra-personal. In fact, when a man is released, as it might be, to his family, his wife and children, why then is he denied the rights guaranteed him by the Constitution of his mothers and fathers, and denied the right to vote, to own and possess firearms, to market his skills without the burdensome chains of ‘parole restrictions’, or penalties associated with those ‘strings’ which are attached to him after he is released? Moreover, the white nationalist believes that once a person has paid his debt to his folk-community, there should be NO restrictions upon that individual.
The argument that persons convicted of crime, even of ‘serious’ crime, can never be trusted again with the liberties associated with ‘free citizens’ is a canard, it is a lie, fostered by those in the legal industry who ever seek to maintain their job security, and no longer live in the real, and human world.
No, the white nationalist sees each and every part of his folk-community as benefiting from the trust of the community – in those instant cases wherein an individual shows a likelihood to re-offend, and to re-offend with a viciousness not seen before then, it is commonsense to maintain a tighter level of control, but only with a competent and knowledgeable Judge to determine these facts, not bureaucrats (i.e. parole officers, local law enforcement, etc.), and make a public presentment as to the specific facts.
ï‚· Police Officer, Paul L.Verna, Los Angeles Police Department California, End of Watch: Thursday, June 2,1983 Biographical Info Age: 35 Tour of Duty: Not available Badge Number: 15086 Incident Details Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Thursday, June 2 ,1983 Weapon Used: Handgun; Revolver Suspect Info: Sentenced to death Officer Verna was shot and killed after making a traffic stop of a vehicle containing two armed robbery suspects. One of the suspect shot Officer Verna once, then passed the revolver to the second suspect, who shot him five more times. Both suspects were apprehended and sentenced to death. (Source: The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc.)
This was one of two developments involving racial-crime which affirmed my outlook on the ‘color of crime’, and what made it so different from the casual reference and inference of Crime in general. My political activities increased dramatically after this incident, and was genuinely supported by his comrades who, in the majority of cases, gave anonymous contributions to his Memorial Fund, and that of a College Fund for his two young Boys, sponsored by a Ethnic Nationalist organization of which I sponsored.
This case was a high-impact case, and was covered extensively by the [LA] Herald Examiner (now defunct), including interviews of myself and other members of the community, to get a background on the story. I have done exhaustive searches over the years to find those old news stories, and am unable to fill the major void surrounding this case; simple mentions of this man are slight, and no mention as to the actual events leading up to his death are given. Stranger still, is the fact that this case was given a high-profile, in part, because of the ethnic-nationalist response to this tragedy (such as the Fund/s), and received a somewhat conciliatory response by then Police Chief, Daryl Gates (interview with Meridith McCrae(?) on KHJTV 9, 1983), and a feisty retort by Ed McMahon who tried to mitigate the white community response, and wanted the monies raised to be returned – this was never done – and to this day, is a memory of pride and honour for those who stood up for this simple, and courageous white man. FLS
1 Anglo-Saxon law is a body of legal rules and customs which obtained in England before the Norman conquest, and which constitute, with the Scandinavian laws, the most genuine expression of Teutonic legal thought. One of the striking expressions of this Teutonism, is presented by the language in which the Anglo-Saxon laws were written. Moreover, they are uniformly worded in English, while continental laws, apart from the Scandinavian, are all in Latin. The English dialect in which the Anglo-Saxon laws have been handed down is in most cases a common speech derived from West Saxon — naturally enough as Wessex became the predominant English state, and the court of its kings the principal literary centre from which most of the compilers and scribes derived their dialect and spelling.
In this body, one can rightly include the following, as each in turn, belonged to the same ethnic folk-community, thereby sharing an intrinsic personal and, hence, legal relationship:
Corpus Juris Civilis – Roman Law
The Magna Carta – Feudal English Law
The Code Napoléon – French/European Law
The US Constitution
2 cf. The Twelve Tables – of Roman Law 450 b.c.), and before that, the Law Code of Hammurabi (cir. 1780 b.c..) Of the Twelve Tables, Cicero the Orator, leaves us with this: