Turning The Edge In The 21st Century
Word Count 2,114
The edifice of Western civilization is, seemingly, under assault from all sides, as we daily encounter yet another bastion of the West falling, crumbling before our very eyes and, as well, we see, or sense, the very accomplices of these assaults upon the gates of our citadels, are those who claim to be of West, if not by blood – then by the absorption of this unique culture, claiming it as their own.
To those of the West, living in what has been called variously America, or the United States (literally a collection of sovereign entities), the understanding of the complexities, embroiling us all in the change of our existence, covers many avenues of discussion, conspiracies, and extenuating circumstances, which have not only painted a new tapestry of design, but of the very cloth, by which we have wrapped ourselves, for generations. This sense of protection, by which we have wrapped ourselves has, as of late, been ripped from us, exposing us to the elements, the raw elements, of conditions which, because of our technology, achieved by many generations of trial and error have, by degree, seemingly come to overwhelm us, taking paths perilous, and has become, to many, the cart, leading the horse.
How, then, did we come to this?
Here, I would like the reader to expect, not a dissertation on all the usual suspects but, rather, to add, in whatever direct, or tangential way, a possible addition, an added element, which many have felt in their bones but, having only the evidentiary, and repeated sources have, in my opinion, side-stepped, and as far as I am aware, has yet to be fully plumbed, at least juxtaposed against those usual suspects and intellectual presentations, which have become understood by rote. That there are accomplices, as has been mentioned above, it would do us well to think more specifically, as we press on.
Many dates, and individuals, have been ascribed to the beginning, or general time-period of the decline of the [American] West – I will arbitrarily place this beginning, without reference to specific names, as the end of WWII. I choose this time-period, for it was this event in world history, which brought an accumulation of genetic energy, bursting forth, and whether or not these impulses to great power were good, bad, or evil, is not the intent of this work; neither is this a morality tale. We, are, at once, concerned with what was created, by this impulse, this burst of energy, and what effects it may have had on what we presently see happening, all around us. Not the physical manifestations, nor even the political, but the psychological, as we see a certain manifestation of our modern world, as being apart from what many of us, would consider normal – something that cannot, truly, be placed with the rule of law, or politics, or of the military industrial complex – although it certainly is a part of this. What, specifically, must transpire firstly, for all these things to change, simultaneously? Surely, it has to do with the human mind, that which perceives a thing, imagines it, and commits to establishing what image has been created in a particular mind, or a trust of minds.
If we can accept, for the moment, that during this time of War, many things transpired and, indeed, conspired, to develop (as quickly as possible) the ways and means of victory. To these ends, many ideations were developed, and an intense sense of purpose was formalized, to these ends. Pick your poison, but a burgeoning group, which has lasted the longest was the OSS, or Offices of Strategic Services – an intelligence operation – which has morphed considerably, as has the various branches of the Military, as regular institutions, seen by Americans as belonging to them, as they field the largest amount of personnel, drawn from the heartland. Secrecy was the modus operandi, of the first, and is uniform, as well, in the military services, of the nation.
The lessons of War, in many cases, are oblique, and do not always belong to the simple understanding of War, proper, or in the supposed victories, which they have brought us. One of these lessons, and if it is not the main lesson, it certainly holds a special place amongst those who perform military, or national security matters, and it is a psychological one: Power.
To overcome an ‘enemy’, all the subtleties of power, must be brought to bear, as well as the mundane. On the battlefield, intelligence gathering, and the eventual merging of these two elements (mechanical and mental), into a coordinated, and victorious assault on the opposing force – anything less, will allow one’s opponent to claim victory over one’s own forces. A loss of this kind, is rarely envisioned by those who seek, or possess power, and every avenue of such resources must be employed.
Now, with the mention of the OSS, the reader may anticipate a certain direction of this discussion, and it would then seem reasonable, to those who have taken the time to study this part of the search into why, and how, we have come to our present condition, must also realize, that there is no single source, or power structure, which might have the effects on our way of life, but that in conjunction, it is the absence of coordination which, in my opinion, makes it more than probable, that it is this very competition for control, power, whatever one wishes to call it, that has opened many a door, into the fractious nature, of our present condition.
The governmental structure, as the common man adduces, is self-evident, as we possess a Constitution, with the accompanying Amendments, which has moulded, and inducted many generations of the West, into their worldview, economics, science, and general polity. But, is this what has failed us? A change in the interpretation of these documents, and national sensibilities, the correlation? Or is there another, possible, answer?
What of the science of the German nation, prior to the end of world war?
There are many possibilities here: Rocket propulsion, anti-gravity propulsion, and the splitting of the atom. Without going too far afield, the rumors of advanced science, from Peenemünde , to the Antarctic, has fielded hundreds of speculations. In America, we have the famous, or infamous Roswell (1947) incident, and many, many more. In 1952, over the nation’s capitol, seven unidentified flying objects were seen, by tens of thousands, as they loitered in the sky. The CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) sent a memorandum to Walter B. Smith, the CIA's Director, informing him of “threats to national security.” This, the progeny of the OSS, developed after years of power struggles, and unintended consequences. Secrecy, however, is the constant here, and the rest simply shrouded in darkness, chaos, and public influence.
The introduction of ‘unidentified flying objects’, science, and the Germans, may unsettle many of the readers, but we are quickly moving to the general ideas, posited in this paper. If one can, for the moment, look past the inflammatory introduction of ‘science fiction’ to many, we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that ‘unacknowledged special access projects’ do exist; whether or not we have the true, and verified reality of this information, is not at issue. We do know that, despite the denials, whether coming from Mundus notus, or from extra-terrestrial sources, that certain influential civilians, as well as military personnel, have indicated that, indeed, substantial aviation advancements, some even coming from reverse-engineering of mechanical malfunction, crashed, or downed craft by military, or natural occurrences (storms and lightning), have brought us significant opportunities, in both the civilian and military spheres.
This leads us into the next part of the discussion.
If you will, following this train of thought, as a theoretical premise only, let us continue following this train of thought.
It is not the viability, nor the reality of existing extra-terrestrials, its science, or the possibility that great advancements were bourne out from the great War, from purely human minds, but the extant possibility that advances were made. With great achievements, comes a differing and, to some, greater evolutionary changes, which heretofore have been seen by Western man. With this advancement comes, or should come, a change also, in mental outlooks. If not readily available to the general public, these outlooks will, as is certainly understandable, come to be understood by fewer, and fewer people. Secrecy is its own population of regulars, and the outside world becomes ever more estranged.
Be that as it may, if one accounts for a change in science, mathematics, and quantum mechanics (not to mention the possibilities of mental processes, acuity and, perhaps, the metaphysics of what this might entail), and one peers behind the curtain, so to speak, and recognize that if these potential scientific discoveries are maintained behind a wall of silence and secrecy, is it not also possible, that the generations of individuals who first chanced, or developed these skill-sets would, also, become evermore distant, developing a culture, within a culture? Moreover, having developed this culture, with time, would not these individuals – now ensconced within evermore powerful institutional settings, be inclined to see the ‘outer’ culture as obtuse, weak, and passé, as they have been left behind, as seen by those who, over the years, have grown in their own understanding, perhaps, of the universe itself?
As we see, today, do not those in power seem, at any rate, to view us more and more, as adjuncts to their own machinations? The ability, or the desire at least, to control the movements of the mass, even in controlling the measured responses of this humanity, seems more and more to be a matter of essential modification, the end of which, no one seems to fathom – at least, not at the bottom. Is it possible, then, that what we are seeing, with teasers being given out here and there, that the future, a future not envisioned by the masses is, ineluctably, being brought to bear upon us all? A future, perhaps, that is completely outside the native instincts of the West, as we have known it, but, not to those who have grown within a separate, and distinct body politic?
How are we to gauge the tremendous changes, which have been, and are being forced on us, in ways that the majority see as intrusive, and further a future which does not appeal to us? The divergence we are seeing, the talk of ‘climate change’, the ways of generations-long evolution, all these things seem to come from elites, not the highly trained academics of ages past, but of a certain elite, which has, in a generation, appeared out of nowhere, just like some bringing a technology, which seems to be right out of science fiction. Or is this simply science, which we have not been allowed to know about? Certainly, the pace at which we see all around us, has increased by levels of magnitude, that is, seemingly, overwhelming, hence, we must be led forward.
All of this has its psychological implications.
If any of this premise is worthy of consideration, one must also consider what, exactly, are the psychological imperatives of individuals who, because of their specific knowledge, have come to see themselves as having risen above the mass, therefore in a better position to mete out directions, choices, for which they in their own measure of attainment, have a duty, to direct the affairs of men. A duty and obligation, which they have become enamored with, as with all gods, who would touch the heavens. What else, is to explain the quixotic nature of our politicians, intel services, and the new breed of technocrat?
Why is it, for instance, that everything being introduced to us is ‘for our own good’? Safety, the number one aspect of our future lives? The life of ‘risk’, being that narrow, old-fashioned view of ourselves, keeping us mired in the dark-ages of a neolithic beginning, something to eviscerate, to cast aside. The feats of our family of explorers, builders, and quest of knowledge (the sciences), replaced with a fanciful replacement: Artificial intelligence. And how long, in fact, has this electronic mind been with us? Was it all simply 1945, forward? Was this time-period, the spark, which has illuminated us, or some of us, with the pinnacle of human evolution? Is this the reason, which seems to have affected so many of the elite classes?
This is just a tentative look into the possibilities.
The divergence we are experiencing on all levels is telling and, I, for one, would like a little more information, than simply following instructions.
What say you?