The contention of the Modern is that he must disparage heredity in favor of environment.
The controversy centering on this duality has come only from the camp of the Modern and his followers. Physical and Social Anthropology have been made to fight one another, two aspects of the same science, competing for dominance, not in the healthy arena of scientific study and debate, but in the unhealthy arena of the political muckraker, the political theorist; to Propaganda. To Franz Boas, and his ilk, belongs the modern establishment of equality. Not simply to one man, but to an agenda of certain men dedicated to promoting this value, contrary to nature as it is, so as to level the entire Western value in the process. The new West spits in their face!
The new West demands that quality, not equality, be the rule by which all are gauged. Attention, would, of necessity, be paid to those who show, or will show the highest promise of quality. This, as stated before, must start with the family, and individual perception of worth. Opportunity would not, then, be given to anybody that asserted it as their ‘democratic’ right, but to those that show, in the here and now, that they are capable of using it. The present day ‘scholastic system’ does the exact opposite.
Instead of promoting the intelligent, vigorous, and gifted student, the mediocre, un-gifted, and lazy are afforded the same [equal] attention as the former – this taps the energy expended by individual Teachers, dilutes it, and denies the individuals that will, and must needs be utilized for the betterment of the nation. Even in a homogeneous environment, this must be practiced. No one would, of course, relegate the average student to a life of ridicule and atrophy. These, in turn, would be promoted as their merits warrant – opportunity would be available to all, but opportunity based upon the general need. Does not even the evangel, Jesus, have this to say: “To him that hath, shall be given.” This is the opportunity of merit: Let a young person ever prove that he has increased in mental and spiritual vigor before he is given any more merit than he deserves. Through the test, comes the prize.
The product of such a being, such a student, will be a man or woman with self-reliance, self-discipline, and courage to be different from the crowd. Independent, he will strive for those things that are beyond him, for those things that are attainable only through his vision – for the betterment of his people and nation. For those men and women who do not achieve that highest of levels, it is of no consequence, knowing as they must, that still, in every eventuality, that they hold a place of their own, being worthy to hold it, and doing the very best they can with what they have. Whether one has five talents, or only one, he must do with it/them as best he can. This agenda, as are all programmes of this type, defines the ability of the top to the bottom, from the last man to the first, and energizes them all [this is real equality!] with a feeling for destiny, of worth, and of value. A noble nation is made up of noble individuals. Whether one is a menial worker or a governmental leader – both are, and will always dedicate themselves to the greater good and fulfillment of their race-culture. Both will be held accountable.
The Birth of the new West will bring Leadership.
History has shown that the ‘equalitarian’ denial of strong, indeed, any leadership, the need of leadership, is sheer folly – the Modern loves his parliamentarian fiasco, his round-about way of delving into the realm of decision making, his lack of any real, spontaneous, or significant decision makers. Without leadership, real leadership, a nation will, and must of necessity, fall into chaos, and disintegration.
This leadership must be well endowed, a class by itself; it must ever seek to follow the best path available for the security, and protection of its people. It must protect the weak against the strong [this is law], it must assure the orderly and judicial running of the judicial system; it must ensure that mass means of information be safe-guarded so as to protect the race-culture from those culture distorters, those that ever seek to debauch the sanctity of existing traditions, mores, and spiritual essence of the populace. This leadership must ever seek to protect the soil, the air, and the water of the environment. Above all, it shall ensure that the quality of our genes, of our future stock, be protected at all costs. This, it will hold sacred – no law, will be higher than this.