The ethno-nationalist recognizes the most basic need of any people, that of nourishment, in proper amounts, and in its most natural state (no hybrids). Due to the increase in the collectivization of private farms, and the tremendous burden of International, as well as ‘national’ swindlers, it has become common practice to drain the life out of healthy natural products, and have replaced nature with unnatural additives, chemicals, and other elements inconsistent with the normal rhythm of that ‘life-law’ which nature, and nature's god has bestowed upon us. We condemn this practice for ourselves, and for those nations that presently buy and sell with us on the International markets. For in effect, we are poisoning ourselves, and our Planet. This is unacceptable.
The ethno-nationalist recognizes the absolute right, not the so-called privilege, to own Land, consistent with the needs of each particular ‘family unit,’ and promote the ‘back-to-the-soil’ concept of our fathers, a Populist concept forgotten, seemingly, by the fast-track, life-denial, self-competition of today. It is this foundation, alone, that is, Land ownership and agricultural production, privately, as well as collectively, that determines the worth and well-being of a people; it also provides for physical labour, however mechanized, which is a prerequisite to health, as well as maintaining a more communal and community orientated experience, as well as an appreciation of the Earth that has been given us. The worth of each man, provided he has the self-discipline to achieve it, will mark the man, and the nation that houses him. Moreover, it is this man who lives in your community, he sits next to you in church, he works with you, and this type of man and woman will be there in times of plenty and times of destruction; the interaction of you and your fellows reminds us of what is ‘beyond’ the politics of modernity, of institutional policies regulating behavior and indoctrination – it is individual race consciousness multiplied a thousand fold. This is folk-community in its purest sense.
The ethnic Nationalist sees the foundation of Foreign Policy as predicated upon what, and in its various quantities, is to be exported, as the supply of natural resources is, in final analysis, a very big stick, to be used only in the most extreme of circumstances, in furtherance of our native, or national survival. The revenues that will be realized by a ethno-nationalist policy, geared to the family farmer, and all forms of ‘cottage’ industry, will support this vital necessity without government ‘programs’ that are designed to limit farm and private production. A strong ethnic nation will, ultimately, lead to a strong Western Alliance, and a strong world. This will take some time, as it has been several generations in the making of our present predicament, but this will, as well, provide for a national time of reflection and reaffirmation of our just who we are – and will be.
As the ethno-nationalist expands his outward mobility, he is often asked the traditional questions about what type of government he sees as best suited for himself and those which would reside with him, as there are a myriad of ‘theoretical’ discussions and inventions which cover ten-thousand years of experiment and experience.
Can there be an absolute form of perfect functional government? I hardly think so, yet we must, presently, in a comprehensive and solemn manner attempt, once again, to voice our positions, to hammer out a system of governance which will afford us, you and I, a return to a more sensible and rational approach to our future and that of our children.
Hardly a day goes by that a single individual or group, brainstorms the many facets needed to provide for the general good of his or her people; it is with this in mind, that the following is offered – both in a historical sense, as the following was put together many years ago – as well as to offer some more mortar, as it were, to continue to build a more perfect and sound edifice which we may then leave to the future, our future, as well as humanity in toto.
What say you?