Immigration and Citizenship
The canard of ‘citizenship’ will, if left alone, continue to mollify and confuse, to the detriment of all, the decisions necessary to maintain and extend ourselves as a distinct and viable organism. We shall endeavor to cover, yet again, and there are truly magnificent studies which demand our attention yet, even these, erudite as they are, deny the passion, the need, the demand to have these issues heard; they are, for the most part, belonging to those conservative individuals who, in turn, allow their works to makes the conservative rounds, speaking at conservative gatherings, and aiding in turn, the same soft-spoken and dedicated individuals who will, as have all before, continue to wither and die on the political vine. Instead of dealing with Immigration, not alone, but with the corporate support of their very Folk, the common man and woman, in the venues of the street, for there is no other venue open to the People at this time, they often seem surprised when they are denied places to speak and are denied the very tenure necessary to earn a living. This is dawning on many of these sorts which, at this time, still command a certain degree of financial support, either through publishing or writing, being Corporate heads, or civil servants, with the common man and woman – most, however, continue to fleece or betray the common man or woman, just like they have for the past sixty years.
To develop a unique and abiding sovereignty, a corporate political state, is to assume a more aggressive and dominant role; this role may be organic, but it also assumes that political features known as political activism, political finance, and political revolutionaries will be supported, and this in turn, supports the active political designs of the nationalist corporate structure. Nationalism is the only conduit which is, or can be, revolutionary in scope, while gaining the greatest number of adherents, and consequently maintain any so-called legitimacy to the future programmes and institutional mechanisms necessary for the growth of any call whatever, for the protection and sustenance of the people; while also building the ability to enforce and create national policy regarding Immigration. To think otherwise, or encourage others to think in this fashion is racial treason, for it develops the old ‘tried and true’ wait-and-see mentality; a mentality which, as of today, has done little to reconcile the needs of Western stock, and the special needs of sovereignty. There is no middle ground, and there is no compromise. The jealousies, which have always plagued the conservative ‘movements’ will, very shortly, be wiped away by the revolutionary tenets of the burgeoning white Nationalist. This new individual will, without fear or favor, replace the conservative, and all those who favor them, without mercy, and develop those resources, which the conservatives have squandered for so long.
The lack of ‘support’ for those nationalistic spokesmen, those who, from youth onward, have showed such promise, yet allowed to die, literally in some cases, will not be allowed to continue; the slow, yielding voices of the past, will not be allowed to suffer any more apathy and cowardice from their erstwhile supporters. We have no time to waste.
The conservative approach has brought some to their senses; but this has, also, died on the vine:
The CCH FMLA-ADA Leave Advisor will walk you through the maze of federal leave law to help you navigate the process, make effective decisions, and know when to contact legal counsel. Learn More - While the AFL-CIO leadership remains committed to what an immigration reform group calls "a massive illegal alien amnesty program," some rank and file workers and constituent locals are asserting that such a policy would do irreparable harm to American workers. The latest crack in the AFL-CIO's support for amnesty is Pittsburgh Plumbers Local No. 27, which approved a resolution October 10 demanding that their union dues not be used for activities that support undocumented immigrants.
The resolution sharply criticizes the AFL-CIO leadership's positions on dealing with illegal immigration. Local 27 "wants to express our outrage regarding the AFL-CIO's stance on supporting millions of illegal aliens." Illegal immigration is "harming our country," and specifically the interests of working Americans, it states.
According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the plumbers' resolution follows a similar position taken last month by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which represents some 750,000 building trades workers nationally. Earlier this summer, Teamster president James Hoffa expressed opposition to legalization for millions of illegal immigrants and called for an overhaul of U.S. immigration policies that he believes are detrimental to the interests of American workers.
"Americans from all walks of life at the grassroots are mobilizing to stop a massive illegal alien guest worker amnesty program being promoted by a disengaged elite," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. "Whether it is union members acting to protect their jobs and wages, or local governments acting to protect local residents from costs and crime associated with illegal immigration, Americans are making it clear that they will not sit quietly while their interests are being sold out."
Both the AFL-CIO and its rival federation, Change to Win, have embraced immigrant workers' rights. Recently the AFL-CIO announced a partnership with a national day laborers organization, which advocates for the rights of these workers, who are often undocumented immigrants.2
Resolutions like these, while well intended, have done nothing to reduce this threat. The majority of working-class men and women of Western stock continue to suffer as a consequence, having no one to demand that their ‘citizenship’ be enforced, without fear or favor, having been sold out by the very vested conservative elements which would have us ‘wait just a little longer for reprieve’, for the dissolution of hard-won workers rights.
As a Nationalist, one must never submit to the compromise of corporate America; to do so, limits not only oneself, but that of your brothers and sisters which, on a daily basis, suffer the indignities of Institutions which have, long ago, left these individuals to fend for themselves. Nationalists, will never forget this betrayal. The monies which would have been realized by supporting the studious, the industrious, and fellow citizens of the West have, unfortunately, been discarded in favor of the promise of certain elites which, for a time, have bought and paid for the complicity of these paragons of finance and conservative principles. No more.
These same individuals have for far too long, avoided the coming apocalypse. All those of Western stock can see, clearly, the inevitable change and disastrous effects it is having on them, their children, and their nation.
The coming catastrophe is beginning to make itself known to all.
The betrayal of those who ‘speak’ for those of Western stock, those, who, for lucre’s sake, have sided with the ‘mob’, with canaille speaks for itself; for to do less, in their mind, is the end of their power, their position, and their desires; the modern ‘aristocrats’ of the political machine, having made their compromise, their back-room deals have, at the expense of their fellows, embraced the ebony hue of difference, as the logical end of democracy, which they, themselves, ushered in, and bowed to the majesty of numbers, of that great leveling.
Citizenship, that particular and privileged gift, given away for the meaningless chatter of the voting booth, wherein those who cast their ‘vote’, vote only for their own special interests, which is normal, but which confounds and annuls the vote of each and every Western man and woman. With the weight of various misadventures, jealousies, power-grabs, and outright betrayal, the members of the West are confused, misdirected, and sensing, but not fully understanding, the source of their predicament, have also chosen to be swayed by slick tongues, and the cannon of inevitability, and have sold their birthright to any and sundry who promise them security, protection, and compromise. Such have all decadent rulers, be they ‘systems’, ‘individuals’, or technics of ‘law’, finalized their sway over the mass of men. Only one thing stands in their way: the Nationalist.
For many, many years, nationalists, specifically and independently, until very recently, were the only ones demanding an end, and extrication of foreign illegal immigrants; the call did not end there, and the demand for repatriation of a majority, if not all, immigration from non-Western nations. The abuse levied against these stalwart individuals and groups has been profound, and has continued unabated since just after WW II by the very ‘victors’ who held the world in their hands, for better or for ill: The conservatives of the day, leading the charge with purveyors of ‘civil rights’, and progressive leanings. These individuals knew the outcome of these policies, and hastened its inevitable consequences. The late, not so great, William F. Buckley is the perfect picture of such traitors as this.
Patrick Buchanan, cut from the same cloth, yet finding his way in more demonstrable ways, nevertheless failed to champion the cause of his own people, no matter the thousands of articles in which he describes the plight of Western peoples, as he ran a african-american female, to be his presidential running mate, courting the multicultural voting bloc. This effort, like so many non-racial nationalists, is the blatant earmark of the conservative political hack, that specie of american lethargy, and political suicide who, nevertheless, declares:
Americans of European ancestry are also declining as a share of the U.S. population, down from near 90 percent into 1960 to 66 percent today. Anglos, as they are called now, are now minorities in our two largest states, Texas and California, and by 2040, will be a minority in the nation that people of British and European stock built.
Last month, the Census Bureau projected the U.S. population would grow by 167 million by 2060, to 468 million.
And immigrants and their children will constitute 105 million of that 167 million. That would be triple the 37.5 million legal and illegal immigrants here today, which is itself the largest cohort of foreigners any nation has ever taken in.
With the 45 million Hispanics here to rise to 102 million by 2050, the Southwest is likely to look and sound more like Mexico than America. Indeed, culturally, linguistically and ethnically, it will be a part of Mexico.3
This message has, dutifully, been preached to a certain conservative readership, yet the political action in real terms, has fallen much too short of the mark; the passive tendency to meekly submit what millions already know, and continue to ‘hope for the best’ has been the main impetus – for all enemies, foreign and domestic – seek ever to push their opponent to the limit, seeking the level by which will prove their advantage.
I, personally, am persuaded that Mr. Buchanan is a refined, cultured, and honorable man; the point here is, that he, truly, is no Nationalist, and his reticence regarding Race, knowing full well the imperative nature of this dynamic for at least the past 40 years, if not longer, and yet not even one time coming out in support of those men in support of the [white] nationalist positions held by many erudite, and passionate, men.
Yet, there is hope, as a new song has been written, it’s harmony and melody becoming all the more audible; the open Sea, awash in powerful tides and currents calling, as in ages past, those children of yesterday, those innocents of today, with the song of Albion.
Copyright 2022
1 This latter disposition has effects relative to the united states military of the present day, as the modern governmental technics of today, even as Caesar, seeks to extend the franchise to educated and itinerant immigrants alike, to bolster their lagging recruitment, showing the deracinated and short-sighted policies of expediency, at the expense and safety of the Western population. Civil wars, traditionally, presuppose dramatic changes in social constructs and evolution, as [racial] groups become independent and self-responsible for their own future will, of necessity, seek ever to protect and extend those privileges. FLS
2 Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) - EMPLOYMENT LAW — (Immigration reform group: rank and file union members break with AFL-CIO over immigration) 10/23/06.
3 Patrick J. Buchanan-Official Website - – The Decline of The Anglos, September18,2007.