Citizenship: Part II
In the beginning of all epilogues, nature, as the instrument of ‘accident’, purpose, or destiny, has been present at the first cries of every life, at every instant, of this great Epic we call Life; each cry, resounding off fur, thatch, or walls of mason and steel has also been witnessed by its own, unique and natural corresponding kinsmen: A Mother, Father, family (by extension both immediate bonds of blood, as well as common acquaintances, held in common by racial affinity), and others known to the community-at-large. That first breath, inhaled involuntarily, a hot rushing wind into the organisms which, for eighty years or more, will function, unfailingly, to support the ongoing existence of this new, precious person: the newest member of the nation-at-large. The die is cast, a new Life, a new Citizen has been thrust upon, and interwoven with, the great tapestry of its own unique, and corporate destiny, which encompasses the entire movement and dynamics of the earth itself.
The picture created above is, or will be said by some, to be romantic; thus it is. To think of life, in its pure state, and not be romantic in all its considerations, is to say that the person who is that hardened by the modern technics of life today, is a lesser individual, and hence, adds to an already complex and disinterested population which has lost its way. Romance, by definition, adds to the lusre of human contact, making the dark places submit to the light; making the heart beat faster, and fonder; allowing the memories of first light, new horizons, to live more vividly within the recesses of our minds. All this, to the person who never asked (that he or she is aware of) that this spectacle be awarded them.
Romance, however, is soon lost in the ever quickening pace of one’s environment and its various day-to-day habits and routines. It becomes the ever-present compulsion, which, in most cases, completely subsumes the individual and its innate personality. In the Modern’s age, idealism, real idealism, is passed into the deep pit of conformity, and mediocrity. Each one of us, especially those of the West become, at an ever increasing rate, ‘citizens of the world’ as seen through the eyes and ears of those who have lost their way; who would submit you and I, all of us, to the daily vagaries of mass man, demanding only that we ‘accept’ the status of citizen in a brave new world, replete with technics unimagined by our Fathers and Mothers of yesteryear. Citizen, in name, and in fact, but citizen with no raison d’être; no passion, nor reason to live.
To what end are the great devices, machines, and technology to be used? The overabundance of non-utilitarian technologies by the average person seems, to many, superfluous. It all becomes, in fact, simply production without direction; a complete arbitrary distraction which benefits no one excepting, perhaps, the manufacturer, the capitalist, the banker. In fact, these latter are over extended, and have forced the over-extension of the Western world, and who knows where this will all lead? Not the common man or woman, this is a certainty. Those who seek to rule, and are ruling will, seek ever more and more power, and will usher in upheavals which none, not even those in power, can imagine. They are prepared, however, to suppress, control, or dissuade by means of finance, political pressure, or death, those who do not accommodate their plans. As said in Rise of The West, all organisms seek their own survival.
The disparate individuals who now reside, for better or ill, with us, and within us, demand the same recognition, which we, those of the West, have declared ourselves, a unique and special people; they too, demand citizenship in the image of their makers. This demand however, seems unlikely to take shape in any voluntary fashion; in fact, its de facto acceptance, is already obvious but, without the full import being realistically understood, except by few in academia, the common folk, and fewer still, those of a demonstrable Nationalist perspective. The Modern has done, and is doing everything imaginable to force this upon the citizens of this Western colony; future ‘democratic’ elections on all levels will, without doubt, assure this. However, for the sake of discussion, let us continue with the facts needed for this understanding of our near and present future.
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