We act, in many cases, as a conquered people.
In a conquered nation, the conquered people await the whims of the conqueror. To every dictate, to every statute, to every law, to every ordinance – and of course, all of this is done with the intent to correct and discipline the population for their own good – does a conquered people depend.
No longer does the inner spirit of a free-born man or woman seem to take precedent over one’s life; this inborn spirit, this passion of every freedom loving man or woman, places their family, their children, or their community, above all things, and then proves and has always proved the ultimate embryonic litmus test for a people who wish to remain free: a communal sense of sovereignty. In large part, this change in personal and political attitudes, has been a slow, methodical, and intelligent deprivation of our natural rights, by those who have set themselves up as final arbiter in all things relating to social and political intercourse – like a two-party system which, without fail, works tirelessly to restrict, control, and direct the populace in ways that, seemingly, always work in direct conflict with the interests and deeply felt wishes of ‘the people’.
It is true, as pointed out by many observers, both ‘left’ and ‘right’, that it takes more than passion and ‘activism’ to make a political statement; ethno-nationalism is composed of many romantics, dreamers, ideologues, and metaphysical students, philosophers and religious persons. These are all necessary elements to a movement, class struggle, or revolutionary struggle – but we need more.
To the element of government, that is, the practical application of governmental technics we have, in the main, fallen far short. Granted, it is difficult to envision participating in a system which, to date, has fought tooth-and-nail to keep many different ‘types’ of political ideations from taking root. For the most part, however, it simply comes from a lack of real-life attempts. There is certainly no lack of the ‘sackcloth and ashes’ mentality, the continual complaining and gnashing of teeth, regarding our present predicaments, but very little interaction in the real-life battles of local politics: those of town Sheriff, Mayors, School Board members, city councils, waste management, emergency medical teams, life-guards, fire departments and the like; yes, I personally know many individuals who already belong to these vocations, but only know of a handful who are actively networking, and encouraging others to move into the top spots with them. I know several tenured professors who are quite exceptional, but keep a relatively low profile – this is changing, but my biggest criticism concerning many of these intelligent individuals, is that when faced with opportunities to ‘make a difference’, many opt out because of family and friends – or more correctly, opt out because of what these peers may think of them. The Left has never taken this attitude, and has consistently won the day. They simply do not care what the so-called majority thinks of them. This has always been the difference between revolutionaries and conservatives.
Do we have a ‘natural right’ to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? In the abstract, no. However, as sentient beings, living now, today, yes, we do. We have natural rights, common to each of us as ethno-nationalists, as the prism of Race and solidarity are unfamiliar to the majority of deracinated individuals who share, however unpleasant or cumbersome at times this, affinity. Still, the natural law of toleration and acceptance reminds us more of our similarities than our dissimilarities, and manifests itself time and time again, a law which is natural to our specie – it is called, Loyalty. It is a law, for to break it, brings many emotional and intellectual challenges, which may, or may not, have consequences unforeseen by either party; it is unseen, yet felt implicitly and demonstrably, time and time again.