Is there really Academic Nationalism?
One of the reasons which prompted this essay, is the tremendous energy and division by, and through, our modern intellectuals.
There is a myriad of burgeoning intellectuals on the modern scene; both Left and Right. There is a cacophony of voices residing within the confines of the electronic media, and one may get their daily dose of rhetorical masturbation, as well as some very bright, lucid and engaging personalities.
I enjoy deep conversation, broad-reaching and comprehensive analysis of the present state of world-affairs, as well as the discussions concerning our Future. Moreover, it is important, if not intrinsic to our feelings of socialization, and spiritual exchange, to be exposed to those sincere, intelligent, and natural orators – like Jung, the essence of the Story, becomes the means by which the population-at-large learns, and learns most quickly. Once the narrative becomes infused with primary source material, alien in its prime cause, it is no wonder that the common man and woman become alienated as well.
Once inserted, an alien thought process is immediately at odds with the reality of a distinct race-soul, in this case, the West.
The Rise of the West is always precipitated by a foreign organism being inserted into the host body. This insertion, and the accompanying acceptance, weaken the will of a people, and is the symptom of death and racial instinct. This will, inevitably, lead to the deterioration of all public life and social intercourse on the level of spiritual consciousness. The once high levels of race-conscious leaders and intellectuals abdicate, in favor of the Modern.
As ‘private men’, they retain the semblance of national power. Everything, then, remains the same – it stagnates. No new ideas, no creation, no effort! The necessities of life are placed in juxtaposition with pleasure, the age-old pattern of pan et circenes of all decadent empires. This, then, produces the voluntary abandonment of the race-cultural creation that, over ten to twenty generations, and countless millions of souls that have given their ultimate sacrifice – their lives – in building this very race-culture from the deep abyss of history, and have then cast aside their sacrifice, and that of their ancestors, for bread and pleasure. This leads, inevitably, to the hatred of whoever or whatever practices and encourages the mass to entertain regimens of sternness, creation, and a sense of the future. With all this, through its many machinations, the absorption of the cultural or racial alien is secured.
In large enough numbers, or equally quantitative in relation to position[s] of power, a change becomes manifest; it may appear small or incidental in relation to the vast majority of a particular race-culture, specifically, a Western one in this discussion. It may appear innocuous in the local community or larger city. The local religious ‘center’ gives way to a new element, demonstrably different from the traditional western religious technics. Insignificant, it exists beside those institutions that have been a part of the cultural presence of the West for thousands of years. Soon, more begin to follow; soon there is a merging of the alien element, becoming larger politically and race-culturally. No longer, may one of the original race-culture respond to ancient beliefs – pluralism overshadows the ‘restrictive’ duties of a particular religious technic. This merging appears on all levels of society; like an octopus, its tentacles wrap around every idea, every greater idea, and strangles it. It does not kill; worse, it does not let it live.
Over the horizon, those of the West see the last great ideal of the Modern: Mediocrity.
Mediocrity1, as any rudimentary analysis will show and, by which all common aspirations are gauged, is the renunciation of all greater ideals, of effort; to all values relating to worth, worth of any kind whatsoever. It is a great leveling value, that massive ‘common denominator’, which leads only in a circuitous route to the original source, stagnation. To the race-culture, it strikes the heart; the leveling of the individual racial components, its genetic foundation, is manifest. The ancient and steady watch placed upon blood, upon breed, is now open to all comers. The dilution of generations of race-soul will be seen within a few generations; there is no race in particular, only the even, dull, and the mediocre. This is seen, all too frequently, on any street in a major city. (The reader need not look any farther than the center of his own town of any significant size; even the small and furtive ‘farm town’ is not to be forgotten in this equation – and this the most telling, since it is in the small rural settings that the youth of the West are the most capable of receiving the instructions of their peers and parents.) All this, of course, leads to a ‘democratic liberalism’ complex, making everyone equal: women are men, men are women. The human element of difference and uniqueness fades away into the will-o-the-wisp of the Modern.
This ‘complex’ originates with the Intelligentsia. It is, and has ever been the bolshevism of the 20th century. It is the so-called ‘cultural elite’, the denizens of money and the overstuffed pomposity of those who ‘claim’ to be educated, who are those who surrender and show any sympathy whatsoever to the enemies of the West, cloaking their effeminate natures behind the podium of academia, or the titles of paper nobility afforded to them. It is liberalism in a truly ‘liberal sense’, which would teach, as a common imperative, to treat others than yourself as you would be treated – Western evolution is replete with these various experiments which demanded that individuals be cognizant of nature and her human counterparts by which all would then live in relative peace and harmony, confined in each and similar political technics.
This was the golden-rule of our ancestors; a practice which has worked, and worked well, amongst those of the West. This, like all Western values, has become a liberal reality, but has been twisted, and is now based on Revolution and Institution. Intellectuals always played a pivotal part in this evolution.
They look to their own for instruction; and if there is a will, a will which comes not from the halls of invidiousness but, rather, from the well of the common folk, a paradox occurs – instead of taping and sharing the common experience* of their kinsmen, they would insulate themselves away from those persons who require their expertise the most! The liberal knows, or should know, the elements of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, those elements so necessary to the struggling character of any people, and that, which can be manipulated and controlled by persons more astute than his fellows. This, the reason for liberal philosophy – to protect those who have been wronged, this is true liberalism – it is only his excess, which puts him in danger. As the demise of the intelligentsia draws ever near, the weight of burden placed, artificially I might add, upon the liberal becomes even more fraught with excess. More ‘statutes’ must be introduced which, by its very nature, becomes restrictive to the populace as a whole – the battle for liberty and freedom becomes the tool by which the Modern seeks ever to enslave. The new-speak of the Modern: the more the protection [restriction] the more the freedom [slavery]. Look to the examples of the French Revolution and the Petrine Nobility of Russia for a ready-made example of what has happened over the past several generations. Neither of these examples, from the top down, knew of their decadence.
All of this, at first blush would, seemingly, be devoid of any true nationalism, at least seen by today’s standards.
Looking back into antiquity, and this is precisely what makes identity so manifest, is that we in the West can, and must, rely upon those who came before, those voices, even in their own day, were individual commentaries on the organic whole; it is observable that our ancestors did, in fact, see with a clearer vision, perhaps, that to identify psychologically with their surroundings was tantamount to being in the present, that rational understanding of who they were, exactly, as part of a larger and systemic reality.
Take Aristotle, for instance, would Alexander have had the larger world-view, as an individual, if he had not been mentored by a member of his Folk-community who, it must be noted, was an academic? Plato? These men did have a unique view of what comprised the West at that time. The term ‘nation states’ may seem primitive by today’s standards, yet it propelled the idea of nation at every turn.
Not so much in modern Academia.
In my observation, Dr. Jordan Peterson is the first academic, fully inducted in the present University system, to make a case, albeit designed in the formulaic construct of a more insidious discipline of modern Psychology2 and, as of yet, has not been completely vilified. This will come, however, if he continues his present defense of Western culture. Indeed, the attacks will come from the very peers he so dutifully respects.
Dr. Kevin MacDonald3, assiduously promoting a discipline of rational observation (evolutionary psychology in the areas Culture and Psychology has, like many before him in American academia, paid a heavy price professionally and personally. Dr. MacDonald’s seminal works are not to be discounted, and I encourage everyone to read them. Anti-semitism, has been the favored charge against this honourable man, since his inquiry into ‘culture’ has focused on some of the minds responsible for so much of our academic reasoning in the field of Psychology, and those ‘standards’ more commonly associated with the ‘values’ of the West.
The nationalism of members of Academia, at least in the West, has been pronounced. It remains to be seen, if we are able to reinsert this positive aspect of race-cultural identity in the future, with any telling force. It is my belief that we are well on our way to this conclusion. Moreover, the lack of a telling victory will, most assuredly, be that of our torch of liberty, and race-cultural imperatives, to be passed onto others, more vital and young, both in physiological terms, as well as a more youthful vision of what ‘could be’, such as Russia is starting to present the world. I am not, necessarily averse to this proposition, but do see the loss of the Westernesse of a more Continental experience, to be a great loss.
Therefore, I and others, will still fight the good fight, to maintain the nationalism of our past and future, constantly in our thoughts and actions.
If men like Dr.’s MacDonald and Peterson are to exist, even if at variant poles, then the realization of the natural organic body of the Nation, proper, that is, the Race and its incumbent Identity, must be maintained – and this, specifically, is our West – against all odds.